hello well its very rainy, my what a pain, my waiting in vain for dry weather. not sure you can see the rain on this photo but its their trust me nice view from our lounge area. as it has been raining today we have found other ways to entertain our selves one solution is plants vs zombies a simple but very addictive game that make time pass unnoticed. sophie is currently playing it talking about cob cannons and collecting sun and spud downs? she mentioned some thing called stinky so i took the hint and had another shower. then told me a huge wave of zombies are coming i could not find my cricket bat and panicked. my zombie apocalypse kit has gone. i have just moved in my stuff is all missing? aaagh....... ........................................turns out it was the game.
as the weather was poo we decided to paint the hall way, but were given tiny pots of paint and told make it last, so we decided to give the house a liver colour Dalmatian effect. as you can see below it suites the house well, it leads to the red zebra dining room and to the orange snake skin kitchen, all very in keeping with the general atmosphere with this victorian house.
ps if you cant guess i don't take life serious. the paint is knotting solution after the last owner did a poor job of painting. and no it dose not tie your shoe laces as i hoped, i was very disappointed after i tried. but on the bright side i have sticky laces which i shall never trip over again.
wheres wally game can you spot me?
(no i'm not the cat)
up the stairs
around the corner
and away
hope to be wwoofing soon as the monkeys tell me i may be suffering from cabin fever.
Strange, strange man. I'm glad you don't live near us...oh, wait...